The Children's School

The Children's School


Educational FacilityChamber MembersHemingway District

About Us

Give your child the gift of progressive education. The Children’s School fosters a love of learning and critical thinking skills through an age-appropriate curriculum based on the children’s unfolding curiosity.

We work every day to honor children’s voices, to demonstrate the joy in learning, and to advance each student in their abilities and skills. Our talented, dedicated faculty is adept at guiding our children to think critically, to ask questions, and to take responsibility for their own learning. Our small classes emphasize project-based learning in a relaxed environment that supports the achievement of all local and state curriculum goals.

We choose on-going individual assessment of each child’s learning progress and potential and do not use standardized tests or letter grades
Children learn in a way that honors their voices and helps them make sense of the world around them. Our curriculum incorporates a social justice focus with the goal of creating active participants in a democratic society, honoring all viewpoints and needs to find innovative solutions to community challenges.

Take a look through our website and visit our campus. Learn more about the philosophy of progressive education, about the projects in our classrooms, and about who we are as a community of learners. Or, join us for an Open House on the first Friday of every month during which you can meet current and prospective parents, tour the school, and experience our classrooms in action.

Please contact us if you have questions or would like more information at (708)-484-8033.


No standardized tests or letter grades. Ongoing assessment of each individual child.
Individual and group projects form the foundation of our classroom curriculum.
We offer vibrant music and art programs for all students.
Our curriculum is designed to create lifelong learners with strong critical thinking skills.
Our full-day, play-based kindergarten honors childhood and encourages imagination.
Our middle school engages older students with problem-solving and a social justice focus.

Rep/Contact Info

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Ms. Tracy Litsey
Communications Coordinator